“Muroka Nama Gensyu”

What is “Muroka”?

“Muroka” refers to unfiltered sake. Normally, sake made to stabilize quality is filtered, but “Muroka” does not do that. Compared to filtered sake, the taste and flavor can be felt more clearly, so many breweries recommend that you drink it well chilled.

What is “Nama (NamaZake)”?

“NamaZake” refers to sake that has not been heat-treated. Heat treatment is called “Hiire”. Therefore, sake that does not have “Hiire” is called “NamaZake”. You can also read more about “Hiire and NamaZake“. “NamaZake” also has a fresh aroma and flavor that is freshly squeezed, so it is better to drink it well chilled.

What is “Gensyu”?

“Gensyu” is a sake that has not been adjusted by adding water after it has been made. Freshly squeezed sake has an alcohol content of about 17~20%, but it is usually diluted to about 14~16% by adding water, making it refreshing and easy to drink. This unhydrated “Gensyu” has a high alcohol content and a very rich taste. Therefore, some people drink it with ice or use it in cocktails.

So, What is “Muroka Nama Gensyu”?

As you can see, ordinary sake is filtered, heated and water is added. The one that does not do all three of these processes is called “Muroka Nama Gensyu. The taste and aroma are strong, the mouthfeel is impactful, and you can enjoy the aftertaste. Since it is such a sake, it is understandable that most people enjoy it well chilled.


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