“Hiire” and “NamaZake”

“Hiire” means that sake is heat-treated at 60-65°C in order to stabilize the quality. Sake that has been “Hiire” is called “HiireZake”, and raw sake that has never been “Hiire” is called “NamaZake”.

“NamaZake” has a good taste and aroma, is suitable for drinking cold, and is a popular type. However, it has the disadvantage that it is vulnerable to changes in temperature and easily deteriorates. “HiireZake” has a stable quality, so you can drink it deliciously even if it is chilled, at room temperature, or hot.

It’s not that one is better than the other, it’s that both are delicious sake. Please choose according to your preference.

Also, it is important for tourists, but if you want to buy sake as a souvenir and take it home, it is recommended to use “HiireZake” rather than “NamaZake”. This is because “NamaZake” is basically refrigerated, but many “HiireZake” can be stored at room temperature.


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