(4) Daijiro “AS TIME GOES BY”

Here is tonight’s sake. Hatashuzo‘s Daijiro “AS TIME GOES BY. I opened it immediately.

The first aroma is not exactly gorgeous, but it is a good aroma that is very typical of sake.

However, when you put it in your mouth, the taste is not as mild as you might have imagined. It was quite spicy and sour. Oh, is this a tough one?

Looking back at the label again, the “Sake Degree” is +8 and the “Acidity” is 2.8. These numbers indicate that it is quite dry and acidic.

By the way, the higher the positive value in “Sake Degree”, the drier the sake. The more negative the value, the sweeter. “Sake degree” value of +8 is very hot.

The average “Acidity” is around 1.0 to 1.5. The higher the number, the more acidity. And 2.8 is quite acidic and spicy.

So it is the opposite of the coolness of the label. It was a robust sake that could be said to be “Daijiro” indeed.

This sake would be a perfect match for dishes with a strong soy sauce flavor. It is a sake that can be drunk a lot while eating dishes such as sukiyaki.

  • Grade : 1 (RPR:80%)
  • Rice : Ginfubuki
  • Alc : 16%
  • Price : 1800ml 3,300yen

Thanks to today’s ShigaSake.


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