(78) JikokuDosei “Kimoto Junmai”

Tonight’s ShigaSake is here. This is Mifuku Shuzo‘s JikokuDosei “Kimoto Junmai”.

My first impression of the fragrance is that it has a good aroma that seems to give a sense of Kimoto’s richness.

The first sip is smooth mouth feel and full of rice flavor.

Then, spiciness and acidity are also felt, and the taste becomes complex. It is like the richness expands in the mouth.

It gives me a solid sense of KimotoDukuri’s deliciousness, just as I had hoped.

The feeling of swallowing is smooth, and the lingering flavor remains strong. Delicious!

It is not a sweet sake, as it has a Sake Degree of +4. It is within a moderate range of spiciness, so the drinker can fully enjoy the rich flavor.

  • Rice : Shiga Yamadanishiki
  • Grade : 3 (RPR:60%)
  • Alc:17%
  • SakeDegree : +4 , Acidity : 2.0
  • Price : 720ml 1,650yen

Thanks to today’s Shigasake.


The judgment of whether the sake is good or not is a personal and subjective one.
The following is the administrator’s personal opinion of what kind of drink it is.
・Sweetness : **
・Dryness : **
・Acidity : **
・Aroma : **
・Taste intensity:***
・Deliciousness : personal sense


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