This is the “Best Lunch in My Memory”. This lunch was one of the most impressive and delicious meals I had in Chinatown.
Please take your time and enjoy.
Boiled Red Fish with Sansho Spicy Sauce
Lunch was in Chinatown.
Went to “Jukeihanten Shinkan”.
This week’s “weekday lunch” menu.

Today’s dish is “Boiled Red Fish with Sansho Spicy Sauce”.
Immediately, oshibori, zhaosai, and a pot of tea.

As always, the pure white tablecloths are pleasant.
Followed by rice and soup.

“Tomato and pork soup” is delicious with a gentle taste.
After a short wait. The “Boiled Red Fish” arrived.

Plenty of sauce looks quite spicy. The boiled red fish looks wonderful, rare and very juicy.

The ingredients are green onions, bean sprouts, bitter gourd, kikurage mushrooms, and pak choi.
Both the red fish and the vegetables are drenched in the sauce, turning them bright red, and I put them in my mouth.
Mmmm, delicious! This spicy red oil is best.
This sauce is going to make everything taste better, not just fish, but meat, vegetables, whatever. I want to take this sauce home, haha.
I was completely finished and full. Dessert was “apricot pudding”.

Today, it’s topped with mango sauce and mint. This is an amazing result. I was very happy to finish with such a delicious dessert.
KaikouDo / Sichuan Cuisine /
Jukeihanten Shinkan
Chinatown, thank you today!
*The above article is an edited republication of an earlier posting. The menu, prices, etc. are as they were at the time of posting and therefore differ from the current version. Thank you for your understanding.